Minetti [1], [2]
My dear Henning Rischbieter, it would be an
act of madness and hence a blow to my own head, to send you a piece [Stück] of
the play [Stück] that I am writing exclusively for Minetti and that is entitled Minetti and
that is quite simply nowhere near being finished, and that we, Minetti,
Peymann, and I, intend to see performed on New Year’s Eve in Stuttgart,
provided we are all still alive then. I must exploit this great actor,
probably the greatest one still acting and hence still living, this actor who
bewitches his profession and hence bewitches his and our own dramaturgical
madness, this thoroughly spiritual theatrical mind, before he
can no longer be exploited. Over the course of a century we do not see
many artists who are capable of literally getting on our
nerves! And as you know or don’t know, and as I shall confide to you now,
I never write so much as a word (nor hence a physical or spiritual
gesture!) for a public in which I take not the slightest interest, for the public
has nothing capable of arousing my slightest interest; [I] only ever [write],
rather, for the actors; I have only ever written for actors, never for
a public, for I have of course never written for the feebleminded, [but]
only ever for actors, and naturally only for actors like Minetti who are spiritual
minds, even though feebleminded actors have often appeared in performances
of my plays. The public is the enemy of spirit; this is why I have
nothing to spare for the public; it loathes spirit and it loathes art and it
craves nothing but entertainment of the most moronic sort; everything else is
nothing but lies; I, however, have always loathed entertainment of the most
moronic sort, and so I have no choice but to loathe the public; it is and must
remain [my] enemy; if I am of any other opinion, I belong on the dunghill of
that public that I am execrating today, because it walks all over what is most
important to me. In my capacity as a former and probably lifelong
so-called drama student, I have only ever been interested in writing for actors
[and] against the public, as I have of course always done
everything against the public, against my readers or my audience,
for the sake of saving myself, of being able to discipline myself to the utmost
extent of my capabilities.
I thank you very warmly for your request.
[1] Editors' note: First published in Theater
1975. Bilanz und Chronik der Saison
1974/75 [Record and Chronicle of the 1974-1975
Season], a special issue of the periodical Theater heute, p. 38. Bernhard Minetti had been elected “Actor of the 1974-1975
Season” by the critics of Theater heute. In response to this the editor Henning
Rischbieter asked for an advance copy of
Minetti, whose New Year’s Eve 1975 premiere in Stuttgart was announced by
the periodical (in conformity with the author’s original plans). The first performance of Minetti featuring Minetti took place on September 1, 1976 at the Württemberg
State Theater of Stuttgart [in a production] directed by Claus Peymann. Thomas Bernhard commented on his Offending the Audience on the ZDF [i.e., second network of German state television] show Aspekte.
[2] Translator's note (January 28, 2014): In the
comment below pom3granade kindly referred me to an earlier translation of this letter by
one Claudia Wilsch, and my review of this translation has suggested the
following changes that I have made to my own:
1. The substitution of “bewitches his profession” for “jinxes
his own career” (I used to think that Bernhard meant that Minetti was hurting
his chances of landing remunerative roles by appearing in difficult plays. Now I think along with Ms. Wilsch that he
meant that M. was enchanting his fellow actors, although I prefer “bewitches”
to “enchants” because it preserves the witchy element in the original’s verhexenden.)
2. The substitution of “Over the course of a century we do
not see” for “In the
past century we have not had.” While I
cannot agree with Ms. Wilsch that Bernhard is referring to “this century,” it
now seems equally apparent to me that he is not referring to “the past” century
3. The reassignment of “in their capacity as former and
probably lifelong so-called drama students” to Bernhard himself, mutatis mutandis. This is a straightforward correction.
I should
add that I think it possible, though not particularly likely, that Ms. Wilsch
translated from a different version of the letter than the one I used—this,
first, because her original is supposed to have appeared in Theater Jahrbuch not Theater 1975 (admittedly divergent style
guides could be to blame for this discrepancy); second, because her text is broken into
paragraphs and my original is not; and third, because there are meaning-bearing
phrases in my original that have no counterpart in Ms. Wilsch’s translation—for
example, ein Schlag auf den Kopf gegen
mich (“a blow to my own head”) and “also unseren” (“hence our”). I would be especially delighted to learn that
the letter I translated was but a rough draft of a letter in which the original
German seemed to provide sufficient warrant for certain locutions in her text
that sound much better than their counterparts in mine--for example, “If I thought differently, I would deserve to be thrown onto
the dung heap of the audience.” On its
own terms this is obviously preferable to my “I am of a dissenting opinion; I
belong on the dung heap of the public,”* which is a fuzzy and clunky way of
saying, “because I think differently from the public, the public thinks of me
as dung.” But what of more grace or clarity
can I wrest from the original German--i.e., bin
ich anderer Ansicht, gehöre ich auf den Misthaufen des
Publikums--given that it is entirely in the
indicative mood and lacks a “wenn…dann”?
3a (May 7, 2014). On "bin ich anderer Ansicht, gehöre ich auf den Misthaufen des Publikums": a syntactically parallel passage in E. T. A. Hoffmann's Die Serapionsbrüder has convinced me of the plausibility of rendering it in an "if...(implied) then" construction., but I still balk at flipping it into the conditional mood.
3a (May 7, 2014). On "bin ich anderer Ansicht, gehöre ich auf den Misthaufen des Publikums": a syntactically parallel passage in E. T. A. Hoffmann's Die Serapionsbrüder has convinced me of the plausibility of rendering it in an "if...(implied) then" construction., but I still balk at flipping it into the conditional mood.
choice between “public” and “audience” here, like the one between “spirit” and “intellect”
vis-à-vis Geist elsewhere, is nearly
akin to the choice between oranges and tangerines. Just as it seems slightly more fitting to me
for an actor who “bewitches” to be “spiritual” than “intellectual,” so it seems
slightly more fitting to me for a writer
who writes novels as well as plays to refer to “the public” than to “the
audience.” But I certainly don’t fault
Ms. Wilsch for opting for “intellect” and “audience."
Translation unauthorized but Copyright ©2013 by Douglas Robertson
Source: Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, Feuilletons. Herausgegeben von Wolfram Bayer, Raimund Fellingerund und Martin Huber [Stalking the Truth. Speeches, Open Letters, Interviews, Newspaper Articles. Edited by Wolfram Bayer et al.](Frankfurt : Suhrkamp, 2011).
a litmus for the transparent voice of the translator:
warmest thanks to the translator. Enchantée. (ou plutôt, enjinxée!)